Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fire Bad (Very, Very Bad...)

In this country, in this day and age, I can't believe it needs to be said that burning books is a bad idea.  Doubly so for anyone who gets the bright idea to burn a book that is considered holy by thousan...nay, millions of people.  Much less people whose more radical elements have demonstrated a willingness to kill thousands of innocent Americans, much less at the cost of their own lives in the infamous kamikaze mission that has changed the face of America in the 21st century.

Enter Terry Jones, a.k.a. Reverend "It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time," the architect behind what I can only describe as the American equivalent of one of Indiana Jones's many obstacles between him and world domination at the hands of the Nazis (best illustrated here).  And yes, it has only taken me two paragraphs to draw a comparison between the United States (or at least some of its...y'know, "radical elements") and Nazi freaking Germany.  No, I don't plan on doing that all of the time.

Thanks to pressure from the public and the White House, Reverend...Seemed-Like-a-Good-Idea has backed down from his planned burning of the Koran, the holy book of Muslim doctrine.  Luckily, "the public and the White House" aren't complete idiots, which of course means there were additional, "isolated incidences in New York and Tennessee where these fires took place."

First of all, that's not how "incidents (sic)" is supposed to be used in a sentence (and obviously going Google News is not the best way to get a fair and grammaticly corect source).  Second, where the heck is New Jersey when this is all going on...

To reiterate, burning the holy book of Muslim doctrine is a really bad idea, much in the same way that burning the Bible would be a really, really bad idea.  Yes, America, we...or at least "New York and Tennessee" and Reverend Seemed-Like-a-Good-Idea down in Florida somewhere...have done the unthinkable and decided to hold a book burning for someone's equivalent of the Bible.  We are burning someone's Bible.

Think about it.  People like Reverend Seemed-Like-a-Good Idea and his cohorts across our amber waves of grain will end up representing us to Muslims, much in the same way that a group of Islamic terrorists who unleashed hell at Ground Zero have ended up representing the whole of the Muslim faith to Americans.  It's a nice reminder that book burning isn't limited to Nazi extremists, and religious bigotry isn't limited to terrorists who are willing to take innocent lives in the name of Allah.


Note:  The opinions of The Brewsky are in no way those of Fox News or its affiliates.  The Brewsky is not a contributor to this blog, and in fact can be found on several sex offender registries.  We're not too sure how he got in the building without authorization, and we're not too sure how he managed to find an unmanned computer, hack into this site and post the above commentary (including the time he obviously took to edit, proofread, and find the links he needed).  Clearly he is a master of disguise, phenomenally cunning, and charming beyond words.  At least, that's what our secretary tells us.

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