Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Simple Things

It occurs to me that Google doesn't seem to have much info when it comes to Vladimir Putin's new pet dog.  That's a shame.  I haven't really done a whole lot of human interest pieces lately.  Well, besides that last one about a week ago.

But yes, Vladimir Putin, the current prime minister of Russia and would-be conqueror of the free world, has a puppy, a gift from his business associate in Bulgaria.  Putin can be seen on this page, either looking "thrilled with his new pet" or possibly contemplating consuming the dog via some sort of nightmarish bio-assimilation.

All jokes aside, though, even a possibly staged photo op such as "Marley and Me" (depending on what Putin is planning on naming his new pet) is simply more proof of what we have to be thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving, that wonderful time of year just before that materialistic clusterfuck known as Christmas, when we all give thanks for what we have before we go out to buy the love of our friends and family nice things for our loved ones.  Whether it's the latest Wii game, or just something as simple as a puppy, we all have something to be thankful for.

For starters, I'm thankful for having friends and family who love me, and have been willing to put up with me over the years, as we all probably have loved ones we take for granted.  I'm thankful for my movie buddy who I get to talk with on a regular basis, and who has been willing to extend his friendship since I moved on campus.  I'm also especially thankful that I am on speaking terms with my ex, even if things haven't always been pleasant between us.

I'm thankful to have a roof over my head (two, counting both my dorm and my own home), to have food (even if it isn't always the healthiest stuff), shelter, nice warm clothing, a nice, long, hot shower in the morning and three square meals a day.

I'm thankful for the government and all of the things they have done for us, whether it's bringing us our mail on time, making sure we have safe roads and working utilities, protecting us at home and abroad, and simply being there for us when we're at our lowest.  I'm thankful for my church home, and for a God who is always there for us, even if we cannot comprehend His purpose for us.

I'm thankful that I am in good health, that I can see, hear, get out of bed in the morning, make it to my work and classes.  I'm thankful that I have two working hands, two steady feet, a cool head on my shoulders, and the nourishment to replenish my strength.

Finally, I am thankful for today (or tomorrow, or the day after, or the week after), to remind us all of the loved ones we have, and to simply remind us to say a simple "thanks" every now and then.

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