Monday, February 28, 2011

Does YOUR Computer Have a Virus?

Well, apparently, mine did.

So I'm on my computer Friday night, and seeing as how I try to keep the Brewhaha updated at least every week, I thought quietly to myself, "You know what, I should upload a review of that one Jim Carrey movie where he has to be unintentionally funny instead of intentionally annoying."  So I got my review for "The Truman Show" all typed up and ready to go, and I log on, and as soon as I try to get on to one of my blog pages, I get this error message saying:

"Warning:  Blocked by Sonic Wall.  Trojan Horse 666 #id Slash Delete Bleach Your Mind!  Impending Terror Imminent!  Consult your physician now!"

After I got a hold of my doctor, he told me I should go to the Blogger Help forum.  So I went there, and they told me I needed to get a hold of the company responsible for putting up the firewall (since Google evidently doesn't do that).

With this in mind, I went to bed.  Because it was late, and I told myself I could do it the next morning.  I logged back in and tried to get on my blog page, and lo and behold, the firewall was gone.

It's amazing what sleep can accomplish, isn't it?  It relieves stress, strengthens your immune system, and protects your PC from Trojan viruses.

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