Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Worthy Cause

Oh, my.  How long has it been since I've posted?

Between work, school, and various personal matters (including TV Tropes), I have been prevented from posting on a regular basis the past week or so.  Ever since they upped my hours and gave me some extra work to do around the office, it seems like I just keep losing track of time.  I'm fast becoming one of those poor, beleaguered "working stiffs."  And all work, no play makes The Brewsky a dull boy.

People have been asking me what I think about the situation in Egypt.  And by people, I mean the one guy I still hang out with on a regular basis, as well as a nice old lady who goes to my church.  And by asking me what I think, I mean they ask something along the lines of, "Have you been watching the news at all?"

I can't say I've been watching the news all that closely.  Whenever I'm around to watch it, I have it on one of the news channels out of some semblance of a mature habit, but I don't watch watch the news, if that's what you're asking.  (Perhaps Fox's strategy isn't entirely beyond the pale.)

In any case, shouldn't our efforts be focused inward?  Despite pleas for a global government, and the immortal call of President Wilson and the U.S. of the twentieth century to reach out and extend to others, our country is fractured, and divided against itself.  And as either President Lincoln or James T. Kirk once said, a house divided against itself cannot stand.  Our own house needs to be attended to before we can worry about anyone else's.

The deficit has ballooned, exploded to the tens of trillions.  Countless Americans are out of work following the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, with hundreds, if not thousands more, losing their jobs every day.  Unemployment has reached the double digits, and families all over the country are losing hope. 

We have infighting, the result of a two-party system which wishes only to sling mud, while failing to address the problems facing our country.  We have a gilded age where the rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer, their jobs shipped overseas and their tax dollars going toward federal bailouts.

Our politicians have done nothing to help.  The Tea Party has been formed in response to deteriorating conditions in this country.  The repercussions of the Bush era and the War on Terror, exacerbated by the current administration and a financial crisis unequaled by any other period in nearly a hundred years, have only served to make things worse.

Americans as a whole are growing dangerously close to a moral, intellectual, and literal bankruptcy, and our way of life cannot be sustained for much longer.  Through a combination of factors such as our education system, our job market, and the actions of the government, we cannot support our own way of life.

Need more proof?  Take a look at some of our nation's finest young women, who have been reduced to attending to our cars in order to make ends meet.

These are Playbunnies.  As in, they work for Playboy.  They are Playboy models.  And they have been reduced to washing cars.

I can't believe it needs to be said, in this country, in this day and age, that models should not be forced to wash cars.

The first thing one notices is the near-absolute lack of clothing.  These fine ladies could have been given professional uniforms for their work, but instead are forced to make do with these bare-bones, two-piece swimsuits, which leave almost nothing to the male imagination.  Only their supposed crew leader is given a uniform, and even she unzips it, possibly as a show of solidarity with her coworkers.

I was surprised by how well-stocked their cleaning station is, though; they seem to have plenty of sponges and cleaning solutions to work with, as well as a steady supply of running water.  So, unlike many car washes, they are seldom forced to use, "human resources" to clean off the car.  Which is good, because the last thing we want to see is them getting completely soaked.

Still, isn't it a shame that these fine Playboy models have been reduced to joining the service industry?

Note:  If you wish to help these young ladies, their phone numbers can be found at this link.  Any support you can give, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated.

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