Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Et Tu, Henriques?"

"Facebook Diaper Food Ends in Kamisha Williams's Fatal Stabbing"

I think I facepalmed before I had even finished reading the title for this article.  I don't think I was even halfway through reading the damn title, and I was already thinking, "This is going to be really stupid, so I should put down the pencil in my hand before I stab myself in the face."  I could actually sense a few seconds into the future, and realized this was going to be inexcusably, unbelievably stupid.

Basically, Richards lent $20 to her friend Kayla Henriques so she could buy some diapers for her 11-month-old son, only to find out Henriques had spent the money on...hell, I don't know, Ramen.  Williams confronted Henriques...on Facebook, demanding her money.  The argument continued over the course of the day, with Richards finally boasting that she would have the last laugh.  Henriques replied, "We will see."

Sadly, there could be only one foreseeable outcome.  Richards confronted Henriques at her house, and they took their argument into the kitchen, where, after Williams presumably informed the latter of her rights as a creditor, Henriques took a knife and stabbed her.

17-year-old Richards is a junior at the local high school.  So, already, things aren't looking good for her.  Still, even as a teen mother, she definitely could have gotten somewhere as long as she hadn't gone and stabbed someone.  Over twenty dollars.  Of course, we'll never know the details of the actual physical fight which led up to the stabbing, but still...

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