Thursday, March 24, 2011

Linkage Overload

So there's this guy, he's been gone for spring break, so he hasn't been able to blog as much as usual.  (Four posts a month for the Brewhaha, and eight posts for this blog, that's how I roll).  So he goes to check back in and post some new stuff, and wouldn't you know it, his videos are all messed up.

See, he has a couple of videos for Phil Davison (who is the most greatest communicator of our time), and this one video with that teeth-scratchingly annoying guy who keeps chiming in on your date, and another video which demonstrates a more drastic male interest in feminine products than most people would consider healthy.

So he logs on for the first time since spring break started, and he scrolls down to check the videos real quick, and through some sort of glitch while logging on, it turns out they're all mixed up.  So in his discussion of Phil Davison, it also looked like Davison endorsed the Trojan vibrator for women.  And in the post discussing how annoying third wheels can be, one could see the video of Davison's presidential ad, originally posted along with the original Davison video.

So which video replaced the original Phil Davison video?  None of them.  Because nothing can replace the magnetic, roaring, prepubescent voice and feral, nigh-animalistic gaze of Minerva's greatest Republican county treasurer's employee between the years of 2000 and 2010.

They're all back in their usual spots now, though.  Which is a shame.  Because I want to see Phil Davison endorse Trojan vibrators.  "Drastic orgasms require WHAT?  DRASTIC VIBRATORS, YES!!!  WHO SAID THAT!?  THANK YOU!  DRASTIC ORGASMS REQUIRE DRASTIC VIBRATORS!!!"

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