Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Night Out With Thor

This guy is officially awesome.  I'd have the video up on my actual blog, but I get quite sick and tired of seeing all those elongated YouTube videos stretching over to the right side of my screen, so instead I'm just going to link it right...about...here.

Suffice to say, though, that's some badass drumming.  Presumably, those hands and those drumsticks in his hands were blessed by Thor himself.  Presumably, they were blessed by Thor after our drummer in question gave the Norse god of thunder a profound ass-kicking.  And made him pay for a night at the local pub, or bar, or whatever it is you Americans call it.

Oh, and if you're wondering why I haven't been posting many new posts lately, I've been busy.  And you say, "Well, wait, Brewsky, how busy are you that you can post some schmuck in a band from YouTube, but you can't discuss, say, all those teachers that were fired?"  And I say, "Well, writing a decent, halfway-informed post like that takes time, and since I don't work with any major news networks, I actually have to take the time to compile such information and compose it in a professional manner.

"Plus, well, just look at that guy.  He's not just killing those drums, he's slaughtering them and dancing on their graves.  He is eviscerating them and then hanging them from the trees as a warning to unwary travelers not to play bongo drums in his presence.  While wearing their intestines as a scarf."

Note:  The opinions of The Brewsky do not represent Blogger.com's views on Norse mythology, America, major news, or the families of those whose intestines are currently being used as scarves.  If you have been offended, we apologize.

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